Friday, June 17, 2011

The Bible: The greatest jewish hoax of all time.

Consider, for a moment, if you will, the bible. What is it's primary purpose? Try to observe this information from the view of an outsider, that is to say, step outside of yourself, and view the world and it's inhabitants interacting, as if from a bird's-eye view. Now, the bible itself, and Jesus Christ, became very relevant to human history only after Jesus Christ was slain by the "cruel" and "intolerant" Romans, who had established an empire so vast and so powerful that it seemed an unstoppable juggernaut. Jesus Christ died a martyr (for those of you unfamiliar with the term, a man/woman that is slain and thus vilifies a particular cause or purpose.). Now, for what cause exactly did he die a Martyr? Did he die for the cause of peace? Peace to who? Peace to the Jews, since they are his "chosen people"? This is what I propose-Jesus did die for the cause of peace; peace for the Jewish people and no others.

As can clearly be seen in the modern world, we are at war with the Middle East. War is not an act of peace, it is an act of aggression and terror. Why are we at war with the Middle East? Is it because Saddam Hussein was in possession of weapons of mass destruction? Is it because he was a cruel dictator, and we were concerned with how badly he was treating his people? Is it because we see what a wonderful country America is, and want other countries to be just as wonderful? Or is it because we feel we have a duty to police the world? Or maybe, it is because we are a primarily white country, and glorify in the destruction of other nations of different gods, values, and skin colors.

My challenge to you is this: think for a moment about the last couple of centuries, and how much our (white European peoples, aka Gentiles) sympathy for the Jewish people has lent us to war with peoples in the middle east, solely, it appears, on the basis of their geographic location. The crusades-pointless excursions into the middle east to capture "holy artifacts". Disregard the fact that the crusades might have opened up trade with the middle east, and look at the root cause of WHY time and time again powerful European based nations wage war in that area. The root cause was based on a myth, the myth that there were relics of holy power in Jerusalem. There is a parallel with the Crusades and with the Iraq war. Both were based on causes that had no basis at all in reality (relics of power, and weapons of mass destruction).

Let's take a look now at America's original foundation and where it is TODAY. Originally, there were many clauses in the Constitution that prevented foreign rule, and indeed, proposed a rather isolationist policy, to work and trade among ourselves and extend our protection only to other people's of this American continent. Where is that clause today? It has been forgotten. Much as the holy wars have been forgotten. Much as Iraq will soon be forgotten, when future generations look back and say, oh well, at least we got some oil out of it. Time and time again, the people of Europe have been used as Israel's protective shield.

Now, feel free to reply to this blog and debate my conclusive logic all you want, but I intend to go even further. Why are we protecting Israel? Why are we bailing out Jewish owned banks that lent money to people who could not pay back their debts when the housing market crashed. Why should this money to bail out big banks that lent us the money in the first place come from our taxpayer dollars? Are we afraid of Anarchy? If so, at what cost will we defend law and order? How long will we continue to cater to Jewish interests for the cause of "peace"? I challenge you to think of WHO this means peace for! Are you at peace in the suburbs of L.A., when you hear a gun fire? Are you at peace knowing that your hard earned money is thrown into more military excursions for Jewish benefit, and that gas prices still remain the same? Does supporting wars in the Middle East help you sleep at night?

Jesus Christ, and yes, even the bible are fabrications to keep the European people in control, and easily manipulated. Nearly every single American, whether business owner or simply automobile owner is in debt to a bank. Instead of reducing YOUR debt, when THEIR banks failed they simply DEMANDED OF YOU more money to keep them from failing completely! And you said yes! And you keep saying yes! When will you say no? When will you, for once, STOP being like Christ, and STOP giving a shit that he died because he tried to usurp power from a government that was already in control at the time, THE ROMAN GOVERNMENT.

Think of being exactly like Christ today, and tell me that it is possible. Tell me that it can be done. Are you going to start smoking weed and just preach peace and expect to survive? No, you will end up in jail or mugged to death. So really, what is Christ, besides another Jewish Martyr to conjure sympathy for the Jewish people. The holocaust and all the terror that goes with it are preached to young boys and girls of America from the time that they are very young. You cannot tell me that the holocaust does not garner large amounts of sympathy for the Jews. Much as the Martyr Jesus does. Let's start looking at the EFFECTS of our sympathy for the Jews, instead of the guilty knowledge we carry around that tells us simply that we KNOW WE MUST HAVE IT. This is a load of bullcrap. You don't have to have it, and I suggest you cast it off. I also suggest you get completely out of debt, and stay out of it at all costs. Money is the method of control with the Jewish Supremacist system you now live under. It's time to go back to our pagan roots people. It's time to be a GOOD country again, and play on the DEFENSIVE side, and invest our money into things that make life better for US, the people of America. We could be exploring space, we could be mining minerals from other planets. Hell, we could be settling other planets, but instead all of our technological advancements are shared with Israel so that the war in the Middle East can continue, and the debt of people in America can grow. It's time for a rebellion people. Take back the power of free choice. Re-implement true capitalism. The government no longer fears us, we fear it. It is time.